Saginova Olga Vitalevna – (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
Maksimova Svetlana Mikhaylovna – (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
The article considers the issues of the collaboration between the University and business in order to prepare graduates with practical skills. The author shows the necessity of cooperation of universities with different-size companies and stresses the role of small and medium-sized business. The article examines the foreign and domestic experience of collaboration between the University and business, shows the basic problems and prospects of cooperation of universities with business entities and proposes the solutions. The article presents a project “Students attraction system to order fulfillment for small and medium-sized businesses “, developed in the Plekhanov University. The project aims to form the entrepreneurial competencies of graduates based on the immersion of students in the business environment and their attraction to real order fulfillment for small and medium-sized businesses.
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