Melnik Alexander N. – Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor, Head of the Chair of Innovations and Investments (Kazan (Volga) Federal University)
Anisimova Tatiana Yu. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Chair of Innovations and Investments (Kazan (Volga) Federal University)
The author has studied the influence of various factors on the energy intensity of gross domestic product in the context of the ongoing sanctions pressure from Western countries, which allowed to identify the factors that have a decisive influence on its value. Based on the performed calculations, it has been revealed that the activization of innovative activity of industrial enterprises as a result of an increase in funding R&D activities and growth in household final consumption of electricity have the strongest influence on the improvement of energy efficiency of the domestic economy. Modeling the dynamics of the energy intensity of gross domestic product in different scenarios of the ongoing sanctions pressure on Russia from Western countries has enabled to evaluate the impact of a possible change in the situation in the economy from the perspective of its energy efficiency.
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