Ivanova Rufina M. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate professor of the Chair of Economics and Entrepreneurship in the Construction (Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering)
Zagidullina Gulsina M. – Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor; Head of the Chair of Economics and Entrepreneurship in the Construction, Pro-rector for Integration with Manufacture and Supplementary Education (Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering)
The authors discuss the main activization directions of the innovation activities in the investment-construction sphere. The innovations are presented as one of the main driving forces facilitating competitiveness and economic growth of the country. The main problem for the development and introduction of innovation technologies in Russia’s construction sphere is the absence of a clear state policy, as well as the system of economic incentives in construction. The article presents the programs of the Republic of Tatarstan that are aimed at the development of innovations. Constraining factors such as lack of a serious experience in the field of innovation activities, absence of a developed legal base in the sphere of innovations, the presence of administrative barriers have been considered.
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