Gordenko Galina – (Institute of Economics of Russian Academy of Sciences)
In the article the features of formation and development of horizontal interaction of economic agents are examined from positions of the new institution economic theory. Requirements to the mechanism of management of transactions of partners are formulation.
► as the initial theoretical framework for the study of a variety of horizontal relations of economic agents, it seems appropriate to rely on O. Williamson's position with regard to spectrum allocation contract decisions
► cooperation among researchers of problems of economic entities there is no consensus about the importance of economic theory transaction costs in the development of partnerships
► strategic alliances - is a form of business cooperation between two or more organizations, in which the participants use their strengths to achieve common strategic objectives
► to the minimum criteria, contributing to the formation of alliances, are the following: a strategically important target activity; the generation of joint assets; opportunities to get mutual (but not necessarily equal) participants benefit
► strategic alliances such as the cross-industry agreements, alliances and integration experience to a greater extent the combined impact on their development environment of asset specificity in conjunction with the conditions of bounded rationality and opportunism
► issues related to intellectual property rights, open innovation, the potential diversion of knowledge of the companies - partners may reduce the speed and efficiency of knowledge sharing partners honey
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