Yaroshenko Kirill Nikolaevich – Postgraduate Student, Economy Faculty, Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Tsygankova Inga Vladimirovna – Dr. of Econ. Sci., Professor, Chair of Management of Labor Social Processes, Saint-Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics
Novikova Tatyyana Valeryevna – Cand. of Econ. Sci., Associate Professor, Chair of Economy and Labor Management, Omsk State Technical University
Article represents difference between eastern and western cultures in approach to study and conceptualization of “knowledge” category. Understanding of consequences and changes in theory and practice in a field of intellectual capital on a global level is critically important. In practice of business dealing in Asia it is necessary to understand what results will be given by adaptation of western theories or development of own solutions, and what horizons and perspectives it will open.
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