Pyatachenko Anna – (Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky, Ukraine)
In this article the mechanisms and tasks of the state support of small business are discussed. Foreign experience in this economy sector has been analyzed. Since small entrepreneurship is the basis of state economy, the author has identified the measures of its support. This research may be of practical interest to the scholars studying small entrepreneurship, namely, concretization of the mechanisms for small business support on the part of both governmental and non-governmental bodies.
► the main task of the state policy of small business support is the creation of fair conditions enabling its unobstructed development and functioning
► an important tool of the state support of small business is direct financial aid such as privileged subsidization, crediting under special conditions, granting of guarantees at the provision of various loans
► programs of small entrepreneurship support play an important role in their subsequent development; the implementation of such programs in the conditions of an economic crisis when the state economy requires structural changes and transformations is especially relevant
► instead of subjecting the enterprises to tax pressure the state needs to do the opposite, to provide various possibilities that will enable their survival and further development
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