Yakovleva Elena A. – Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor of the Chair of Economics and Finance (The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (branch in St. Petersburg))
Buchaeva Svetlana A. – Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Tax and Taxation (Dagestan State Institute of National Economy)
The article puts forward the problem of energy distribution at small hydro power plants (SHPP), using game theory as the basis. Thereat the authors take into account a single-type resource and the two-level model of the SHPP organizational system. The authors present a principal algorithm of this model for the solution seeking.The proposed economic and mathematical model of energy distribution as for small HPP facilities based on the game theory is useful for the needs of the commercial service of SHPPs, for the solution of the issue on the market of power distribution. This approach enables to take into consideration the interests of all energy consumers, the character of their behavior, distortion of the information about the expected demand on the electric energy; it broadens the scope of application of mathematical modelling for the solution of the energy shortage problem.
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