Muravyeva Elena Valentinovna – Assistant, Chair of World Economics and History of Economical Theories Ulyanovsk State University
Belyy Evgeniy Mikhaylovich – Dr. of Tech. Sci., Professor, Director, Institute of Economics and Business, Ulyanovsk State University
Sinov Vladimir Vasilyevich – Cand. of Econ. Sci., Professor, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance “New Literacy” of XXI century
Educational activity is different from the other economic sectors and it is the most specific one. Its main characteristic is social order fulfillment (specialist training), and income from non-budget operations and profit formation are more like supplementary functions, which allows institutes to ensure fulfillments of its prior tasks under market conditions. The authors consider educational and industrial group (ObPG) as a new integration form of education and production. They specify effective directions for ObPG participants considering synergetic effect.
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