Sherin Vladimir A. – Candidate of Science, Economics; Associate Professor, Senior Researcher for the Effectiveness of Capital Investment and New Equipment (Inza Branch of Ulyanovsk State University)
Zhigalova Oksana V. – Candidate of Science, Economics; Head of the Division for Program-Targeted Management of the Department of Program Planning and Regulatory Impact Assessment, Ministry of Economic Development of Ulyanovsk Oblast (Inza Branch of Ulyanovsk State University)
The article discusses the urgency and need to intensify the financing of the state research and development programs. The authors provide the main techniques for assessing the effectiveness of the project of a high-tech center for nuclear medicine. They substantiate the importance of its geographic proximity to the manufacture of medical isotopes for assessing its effectiveness. The authors suggest a formalized model for assessing the effectiveness of the center as well as the requirements for source information. They also defined the scope of practical use for the estimates of the maximum level of effectiveness.
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