Nurimbetov Ravshan Ibragimovich – (Tashkent Architectural Building Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan)
Davletov Islambek Khalikovich – (Tashkent Architectural Building Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan)
The article deals with the issues of quality of modern accommodation. The specifics of residential property life cycle in modern cities are unfolded. The authors propose a new method for assessing social and economic efficiency and quality (comfort) of accommodation under the modern conditions. The results of this study can be of interest to public administration bodies developing programs for effective housing stock management.
► to provide an objective assessment of social and economic efficiency of housing, it is necessary to take into account the discrepancy between obsolescence and deterioration, the negative impact of which tends to increase
► nowadays, residential buildings with the level of deterioration of 35–50% can be condemned or subject to expensive reconstruction
► the proposed method for assessing social and economic efficiency of accommodation is aimed at determining the optimal service life of buildings due to reduction of accrued expenditures for construction, major repair, and reconstruction
► to ensure cost efficiency, it is necessary first to ensure that the periods between current repairs are divisible by the periods between major repairs
► it is necessary to conduct a comparative assessment of efficiency taking into account the damage caused to residents by frequent repairs and reconstructions and extension of their completion periods
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