Chekaev Nicholay P. – Candidate of Science, Agriculture; Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry (Penza State Agricultural Academy)
Kuznetsov Alexander Yu. – Candidate of Science, Agriculture; Associate Professor of the Chair of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry (Penza State Agricultural Academy)
Over the last years, the interest of Russian agricultural producers to different energy-saving techniques such as No-till farming has significantly grown. The essence of such techniques is provision of the industry with competitive products with the targeted usage of factors controlled by people. The authors studied the effect of No-till farming with the use of chemicals and complex mineral fertilizers on the yield and quality of spring wheat grain. Based on the study, the authors defined the most effective combinations of chemicals for foliar application. The economic evaluation of the use of these types of chemicals and fertilizers in the conditions of direct seeding has been performed. The results of the study allowed authors to calculate the economic effectiveness of spring wheat cultivation by means of No-till technique with the use of a set of chemicals and complex mineral fertilizers. The use of fertilizers, growth stimulators and biologics as foliar applications in No-till farming increases the yield of summer wheat with one application by 1.3-19.5 %, with two applications by 8.1-40.0%; and increases gluten contents by 0.4-5.8% with one application and by 1.0-12.1% with two applications. The value of conventional net profit when using one foliar application depending on the variants ranged from 599.6 to 2696.6 roubles per hectare. When two applications were made, the value of conventional net profit in different test variants amounted to 451.6 – 6473.3 roubles per hectare. The suggestions for spring wheat cultivation using No-till technique can be applied for development of grain cultures fertilizing system for production of goods with low prime cost and high quality.
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