Krapchina Lyudmila N. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate Professor of Chair «Economic Theory and International Relations» (Penza State University)
Kotova Lyudmila G. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate Professor of Chair «Economic Theory and International Relations» (Penza State University)
Preservation and increase of the Russian economic safety under conditions of the world economic globalization is viewed at the moment as the high-priority but difficult task. Resolution of the issue should not remain ignored either by the public authorities or by business or the scientific community. The research made by the authors is devoted to the problem of preservation and, in the future, the increase in the country's food security level; detection and evaluation of threats to the Russian economy; revealing of the reserves for preservation and strengthening of food security as well as for conditions of their realization. The research results have allowed the authors to propose for practical application a complex of economic, legal and social measures for preservation and increase of the country's food security. The need for development of the system of measures for protection of Russian food manufacturers of the agrarian economic sector without which no import substitution can take place is especially stressed out. Suggestions for resolution of key issues can be used for designing the Russian production development programs of federal and regional levels, some recommendations can be included into the food security doctrine.
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