The Journal of Public-Private Partnership aims to become an information and expert center in the area of partner relations between the state and private business. The journal’s main topics include theoretical studies and analysis of practical results of the partnership program implementation in various industries and regions of Russia.
The scope of the journal covers theoretical issues of public-private partnership development, questions of interaction between the government, business, and civil society, the regional level of public-private partnerships, municipal-private partnerships, “Government-Business-Education” cooperation in the conditions of transition to the information society.
Particular attention is paid to the theory and practice of public-private partnership, development of effective interaction mechanisms between federal and regional authorities, municipalities, business structures and civil society.
The main content of the journal includes scientific research findings and analytical surveys. The announcements of scientific and practical events, reviews on the published materials and polemic discussions can also be published in the journal.
- ISSN print: 2410-8367
- Peer-reviewed journal
- Published since 2014
- Media: online and print
- Language: russian
- Metadata language: russian, english
- Indexed in: Russian Science Citation Index, Google Scholar
- Publication: Open Access
- Publisher: Creative Economy Publishers, Moscow, Russia
Irina STRELETS — Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University); Doctor of Science,
Economics, Professor (Moscow, Russia)
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Elena ZAVYALOVA — Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University); Candidate of Science,
Economics, Associate Professor (Moscow, Russia)
Editorial Board
Inna ANDRONOVA — Peoples Friendship University of Russia; Doctor of Science, Economics, Associate
Professor (Moscow, Russia)
Mikhail BESPALOV — Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin; Candidate of Science,
Economics, Associate Professor (Tambov, Russia)
Lilia Damyanova — Sofia University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, assistant professor
(Sofia, Bulgaria)
Elena GRIGOREVA — Peoples Friendship University of Russia; Candidate of Science, Economics,
Associate Professor (Moscow, Russia)
Oleg IVANOV — Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University); Doctor of Science,
Economics, Professor (Moscow, Russia)
Iftikhar A. Lodhi — Singapore National University; assistant professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public
Policy (Singapore)
Diana MADIYAROVA — L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University; Doctor of Science, Economics,
Professor (Astana, Kazakhstan)
Ivan MAKAROV — The Lipetsk Branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian
Federation; Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate Professor (Lipetsk, Russia)
Dmitry RODNYANSKY — Kazan (Volga region) Federal University; Candidate of Science, Economics
(Kazan, Russia)
Irina SMOTRITSKAYA — Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Doctor of Science,
Economics (Moscow, Russia)
Efe TANAY — Hacettepe University, Ankara (Turkey)
Irina TKACHENKO — Ural State University of Economics; Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor
(Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Parul Tyagi — Jaipur National University; doctor, PhD in management (Jaipur, India)
Chenyu YANG — Beijing Normal University; Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor (Beijing, China)
Rudolf ZIMENKOV — Institute for US and Canadian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor (Moscow, Russia)
Publisher Info:
Creative Economy Publishers LLC
Address: RUSSIA, 119049, Moscow, Krymsky val st., 8
Tel/fax: +7 495 6486241
Email: info@creativeconomy.ru
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For any topics, please, use ppp@creativeconomy.ru
Information for authors is available at: https://bgscience.ru/com/journals/ppp/publication/