
Russian Journal of Housing Research is dedicated to studies on formation of a housing strategy that would ensure an optimal structure of housing construction and residential stock and meet the needs of different categories of citizens. The journal publishes reviews and original articles containing the findings of national and international research and practice in the field of residential real estate market and housing construction. The topical issues of state regulation as regards housing policy, public-private partnership mechanisms, and regional peculiarities of housing are discussed in the journal.
The main goal of the journal is to familiarize its readers with the scientific research findings in the area of solving the housing issue and further discussion of these findings.
- ISSN print: 2410-1621
- Peer-reviewed journal
- Published since 2014
- Media: online and print
- Language: russian
- Metadata language: russian, english
- Indexed in: Russian Science Citation Index, Google Scholar
- Publication: Open Access
- Publisher: Creative Economy Publishers, Moscow, Russia
Publisher Info:
Creative Economy Publishers LLC
Address: RUSSIA, 119049, Moscow, Krymsky val st., 8
Tel/fax: +7 495 6486241
Email: info@creativeconomy.ru
Contact Info:
For any topics, please, use zhs@creativeconomy.ru
Information for authors is available at: https://bgscience.ru/com/journals/zhs/publication/