The specific features of time and cost management in long-term aerospace projects
Sergey Volodin
(about the author)
Volodin Sergey V. – Candidate of Science, Engineering, Senior Researcher, Corresponding Member; Director for Advanced Research Projects (K.E. Tsiolkovsky Russian Academy of Cosmonautics, Moscow; Research and Production Association “Innovatsionnye Teknologii”, Zhukovsky)
Keywords:cashflow, cumulative expenses, operating expenses, Work Breakdown Structure
Citation: Sergey Volodin (2015). The specific features of time and cost management in long-term aerospace projects. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 16(14), 2191-2204. doi: 10.18334/rp.16.14.520
The article deals with the main patterns of changes in the cash flow depending on the stages of long-term aerospace projects’ life cycles. The key factors affecting the terms and costs of science-intensive projects are listed. The author studied different variants of the dynamics of cumulative and operating expenses in terms of their irregularity and provided the analytical expression for their distribution by time periods.