Doctor of Science, Economics, Associate professor of the Chair of Public administration and Law; economist, teacher, expert in the field of public administration, investment and property management; Deputy Head of the Committee on large state-owned companies and institutions of the Expert-advisory Board (Rosimushchestvo)
(International Management Institute of Moscow State Institute of International Relations of Russian MFA (The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation))The external political environment and the economy crisis in Russia call for adjustment of the approaches to management of certain state-owned objects. In particular, it is reasonable to make certain amendments to the privatization plans for the purposes of solving structural tasks of the economic development and for achieving technical independence by the country. The existing plan as for the years 2014-2016, approved in the economically unstable conditions, assumes that structural and technical problems of the economy are solved by the inflow of private investment and competencies, and also by curtailing the public sector. Nevertheless, under crisis conditions it is necessary to shed illusions and accept the fact that not development, but rather survival is going to be the private companies’ near-future task. In this period, the amount of state investment in the technological and structural reorganization should be increased. Therewith, state’s control over already existing key technologies, unique knowledge and resources should be maintained for their consolidation, creation of the conditions for further development, their introduction and provision of equal availability to all market participants. The article considers possible criteria and ways of preserving such assets. It also dwells upon the expectation as for the effect of such measures.
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