A model of infrastructural support of small-sized enterprises
Lyudmila Rudenko
(about the author)
Rudenko Lyudmila G. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of Municipal economy and Service sector (Moscow University named after S.Yu.Vitte)
Keywords:government regulation, infrastructural support model, small-sized enterprises, support infrastructure
Citation: Lyudmila Rudenko (2015). A model of infrastructural support of small-sized enterprises. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 16(10), 1431-1442. doi: 10.18334/rp.16.10.265
The role of small-sized enterprises in the development of the state’s economy is discussed in the given article. The author reveals the development-related problems of small enterprises, shows the dynamics of the main performance indicators of such companies, develops a model of infrastructural support of small-sized business, overviews the prioritized directions of small business support and the results of implementation of various particular support programs.