Krutikov Valery K. – Doctor of Science, Economics, Prorector for Research and Methodical Work, Professor of the Chair of Finance and Credit (Institute of Management, Business and Technologies, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)
General Director of OAO “Interregional Distribution Grid Company of North Caucasus”; Candidate of Science, Economics, Lecturer
(Institute of Management, Business and Technologies)Postgraduate of the Chair of Management
(Institute of Management, Business and Technologies)The article examines current external challenges and problems faced by the Russian national economy. The authors justify the conclusion that nowadays, in terms of the emerging external and internal threats, the most important function of the state is to provide the access to the resources of creative self-realization of Russians. Using the example of Kaluga Oblast, the authors demonstrate the approaches to building a diversified system of resource provision for the needs of small business and population in the sector of rural tourism which is an integral element of import substitution policy.
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