Economic security and energy industry: search for optimal solutions
Valery Kopein
(about the author)
Kopein Valery V. – Doctor of Science, Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Chair of Finance and Banking (Kemerovo Institute, Branch of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
Keywords:autonomy, economic security, energy, energy security, region
Citation: Valery Kopein (2015). Economic security and energy industry: search for optimal solutions. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 16(2), 309-320. doi: 10.18334/rp.16.2.34
The article examines the evolution of theoretical and practical approaches to the issues of national and economic security, emphasizes the change of priorities in its improvement and management. Based on the results of analysis of the energy industry condition, the author points out the problems arising along the movement towards the energy autonomy of the country and its regions as a way of improving the economic security. The author makes an attempt to substantiate the economic non-expediency of this direction.