Analysis and development of classifications in the field of innovations and information support
Dmitriy Zaytsev
(about the author)
Zaytsev Dmitriy A. – Postgraduate student of the Chair of Economics, Management and Finance (Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev)
Keywords:classification, information support, information support of innovative activity, information technologies, innovations
Citation: Dmitriy Zaytsev (2015). Analysis and development of classifications in the field of innovations and information support. Creative Economy, 9(6), 771-782. doi: 10.18334/ce.9.6.321
The modern Russian literature and scientific research contain quite a lot of variants for classifications of innovations according the different sets of classification features. There are concurrently elaborated classifications of information support. Unfortunately, many researchers consider these classifications separately. The author suggests creation of a specific classification in such a manner that these research subjects be all reviewed within it.