Organizational, economic and managerial solutions in forming of the high-tech sector of Russia

Грищенков А.И., Глушак Н.В., Глушак О.В., Репешко Н.А.

Journal paper

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№ 01 / January, 2014

Please, cite as:
Grishchenkov A.I., Glushak N.V., Glushak O.V., Repeshko N.A. Organizatsionno-ekonomicheskie i upravlencheskie resheniya v formirovanii vysokotekhnologichnogo sektora Rossii // Kreativnaya ekonomika. – 2014. – Tom 8. – № 1. – S. 26-34.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 11 by 16.08.2020

The authors formulated and characterized the state management paradigm in the the high-tech sector - namely, the knowledge management. Developmental approaches and principles of state administration establishment in the high-tech sector of economy are proposed in the given paper. They are: improvement of the national statistical recording system; identification and development of convergent technologies; management of knowledge convergence process; creation of mezo-level «knowledge bases».

Keywords: human capital, management, competitiveness, knowledge management, high technologies, innovations, economy, informational communications

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