Transformation of Land Relations in the Second Half of the XIX Century in Russia
Dmitriy Geletiy
(about the author)
Geletiy Dmitriy Nikolaevich – Postgraduate Student, Leading Specialist of the Chair of the History of Economic Science, Russian Economic University named after G.V.Plekhanov, Moscow
Keywords:agricultural community, land relations, nobles, peasants, reform of 1861
Citation: Dmitriy Geletiy (2012). Transformation of Land Relations in the Second Half of the XIX Century in Russia. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 13(23), 184-189. — url:
The main theme of the study presented in the paper is the land relations in the second half of the XIX century in Russia. The author relates their features to the socio-political events in the country. The conclusion is made of the conservative direction of the reforms.
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