Features of the Mechanism of Modern Bank Lending to Small Businesses
Elena Paschenko
(about the author)
Paschenko Elena Vitalyevna – Postgraduate Student, Specialization in Finance and Credit, State University of Management, Deputy Chief Accountant, Kedr LLC, Balabanovo
Keywords:bank lending, credit mechanism, small business loans
Citation: Elena Paschenko (2012). Features of the Mechanism of Modern Bank Lending to Small Businesses. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 13(16), 55-60. — url: http://bgscience.ru/com/lib/3781
The article describes the general characteristics of the mechanism of bank lending revealed by the author on the basis of her studies of the major banks (Sberbank of Russia, Rossekhozbank, Gazenergobank, Transcapitalbank, Forabank and MDMbank) in the analyzed area.
References: 1. Sergeev I.V., Veretennikova I.I. Ekonomika organizatsiy (predpriyatiy): ucheb./ pod red. I.V. Sergeeva. − 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. − M.: TK Velbi; Prospekt, 2010. – 560 s.