Methodical Approach to Making Managerial Decisions Based on Budgeting at Small Fishery Enterprises
Ilymira Ayndinova
(about the author)
Ayndinova Ilymira Shamilyevna – Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Economics and Economic Management, Far Eastern State Technical Fishery University, Vladivostok
Keywords:budgeting, business structures, fishery business, management decisions, problems of small businesses
Citation: Ilymira Ayndinova (2012). Methodical Approach to Making Managerial Decisions Based on Budgeting at Small Fishery Enterprises. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 13(8), 126-131. — url:
The author suggests a system of managerial decision-making and implementation of decisions, using the tools of budgeting in small fishery businesses.
References: 1. Khrutskiy V.E., Gamayunov V.V. Vnutrifirmennoe byudzhetirovanie: nastolnaya kniga po postanovke finansovogo planirovaniya. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Finansy i statistika, 2006. – 464 s.