Organizational Support for Development and Production of Micro-Electromechanical Systems Based on Cluster Approach
Mikhail Mikhaylov
(about the author)
Mikhaylov Mikhail Nikolaevich – Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Economics, Management and Law, Moscow Institute of Electronics – National Research University
Citation: Mikhail Mikhaylov (2012). Organizational Support for Development and Production of Micro-Electromechanical Systems Based on Cluster Approach. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 13(3), 164-168. — url:
The paper describes a model for a cluster of micro-electromechanical systems designed to be realized in Zelenograd. Its structure is defined, its
scientific, technological and production potential is estimated, and the future participants and consumers of its products are outlined.
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2. Porter M. Konkurentsiya. Per. s angl.: – M.: Izdatelskiy dom «Vilyams», 2005.