Keywords:market economy, need, social infrastructure, social services, state social policy
Citation: Inga Malykhina (2011). The Social Infrastructure of the Region and Its Economy. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 12(5), 173-177. — url:
The article deals with the problem of social infrastructure development in the region. The author carries out the idea that the infrastructure in a market economic system does not serve but ensures a normal functioning of the
whole economy. The author presents the data on the social infrastructure of the Republic of Buryatia.
References: 1. Statisticheskiy sbornik, 2010. – Federalnaya sluzhba statistiki po Respublike Buryatiya
2. A. Gritsenko, V. Sobolev. Rynochnaya infrastruktura: suschnost, funktsii, stroenie // Ekonomika Ukrainy. – 1998. – №4.