Keywords:audit of financial impacts, estimate of regions financial potential, formation of financial strategy, regions of the russian federation, strategic goal setting, systemically important principles
Citation: Mariya Tolstova (2011). Systemically Important Principles of Forming the Regional Financial Strategy. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 12(6), 174-178. — url:
The article deals with the development of theoretical scientific views on the features of forming a regional financial strategy. The author suggests and proves her own position in determining the core principles of strategic financial planning, as well as the system of auditing financial impacts in strategic goal setting.
References: 1. Golodova Zh.G. Formirovanie i upravlenie finansovym potentsialom regiona v tselyakh obespecheniya ego ekonomicheskogo rosta: avtoref. diss. na soisk. uch. step. d.e.n. – M., 2010. – 46 s.