Keywords:contract, contracting firm, demand function, price range, production program
Citation: Ruslan Temishev (2010). Formation of the production program of building enterprise taking into the account the features of prediction of demand for contract works. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 11(11), 25-31. — url:
The author identifies and analyzes peculiarities of shaping demand for construction and installation works offered by a contractor firm, and, based on
this, substantiates the method of practical creation of a demand function. The method is built upon accounting of contract volumes distribution by price ranges, which makes it possible to determine the parameters of annual production program of a contractor firm in physical and value terms.
References: 1. Teoriya firmy. Vypusk 2 / Sostavlenie i obschaya redaktsiya vypuska V.M. Gal perina. – SPb.: Ekonomicheskaya shkola. 1995.