Employment in the Innovation Sector of the Economy: Regional Aspect
Ekaterina Efimova
(about the author)
Efimova Ekaterina Andreevna – Cand. of Econ. Sci., Doctoral Student, Sovet Po Izucheniyu Proizvoditelnykh Sil (Council for the Study of Productive Forces) State Scientific and Research Institution, Moscow
Keywords:employment, factors, high-tech products, information technology, innovations, labor market, scientific research
Citation: Ekaterina Efimova (2010). Employment in the Innovation Sector of the Economy: Regional Aspect. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 11(8), 169-180. — url: http://bgscience.ru/com/lib/2400
The article shows the dynamics of employment in the innovation sector of
the Russian economy by regions. The author identifies factors affecting the innovative employment in the subjects of the Russian Federation. On the basis of nonparametric correlation the author proves the relationship between the number of employees in the innovation sphere and the volume of innovative goods, works and services in the region.