Zubko Viktoriya Yuryevna – post-graduate, faculty of management, Russian Academy of Government Service under the President of Russia
Aliev Nazim Magomedovich – Cand. fo Tech. Sci., executive partner of the «JML» LLC
Makarov Vladimir Vasilyevich – Honored Worker of Science, Dr. of Econ. Sci. , professor, Head of Department of Economics and Management, Academician of International Academy of Communications, St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
Human capital in the structure of the company's intellectual capital is the base and defining the successful development of other structural elements. Managers should focus on the development of this type of intellectual capital, using the most appropriate and effective tools for its improvement: the implementation of an integrated system of continuous training and improving their skills and promote the creation of domestic intelligence informal groups, involving staff in decision-making, etc.
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