Zakshevskiy Vasiliy Georgievich – (The Scientific-Research Institute of Economics and Organization of Agroindustrial Complex of Central Black Earth Region of the Russian Federation)
Gavrilova Zoya Vadimovna – (The Scientific-Research Institute of Economics and Organization of Agroindustrial Complex of Central Black Earth Region of the Russian Federation)
The change of the industrial type system in the post-industrial type led to the increase of the role of a man as the bearer of certain skills, abilities, possessing a stock of information, i.e. the growing importance of human capital, which can be measured at different levels of economic management. The meso level concerns not only the human capital of rural areas, but also human capital, regions and districts. The article considers various definitions of the multidimensional concept of "human capital in rural areas". The author's definition of the concept is presented. The problems of measurement and evaluation of human capital in rural areas are discussed. Modern views on methodological approaches to measuring human capital of rural areas and the classification of these methods are studied. The estimation of the human capital development in rural territories on the basis of official statistical reporting is conducted.
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