Dregulo Andrey M. – St. Petersburg Scientific Research Center for Ecological Safety RAS (St. Petersburg Scientific Research Center for Ecological Safety RAS )
We’ve conducted studied to identify factors of transformation of techno-natural wastewater systems (sludge drying bed, sewage sludge landfills) into objects of accumulated environmental damage including the analysis of typology, functions, territorial specificity of placement and manifestation of man-made impact of sludge drying beds with different life cycle periods. We critically review recommendations of the regulatory framework for the consideration of climatic factors for the design of sludge drying beds. We suggest and justify new scientific approaches to the calculation and visualization of the µ climatic coefficient in the space-time dynamics of the dominant climate-forming factors (temperature and precipitation) for the entire territory of the Russian Federation. We pay special attention to different interpretations in understanding environmental activities in the operation of sludge drying beds. The lack of regulation in this matter leads to confusion and/or conscious distortion when nature users understand the existing legislation, which also contributes to the transformation of sludge drying beds into objects of accumulated environmental damage. We study the transformation of the natural-economic system under the influence of the Accumulated Environmental Damage facility (AED) by the example of sanitary-technical systems for treating sewage sludge located in the agglomeration of St. Petersburg. We consider preventive measure mechanisms for preventing degradation of sanitary facilities and processing sewage sludge into objects of accumulated environmental damage. The book is intended for students, teachers and experts in the field of water management, and for all stakeholders engaged in environmental issues.
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