Nesterenko Evgeniya Sergeevna – (V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University)
Primyshev Igor Nikolaevich – (V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University)
The article substantiates the conditions and develops the algorithm of the institutionalization of strategic management of Crimean industrial enterprises. The principles of implementing strategic management institutionalization are delineated. The authors point out that flexibilization is a condition of providing the corresponding level of socio-economic system manageability, its functional robustness and further development. The authors have developed the logical scheme of institutional design at a production facility and the model of taking a management decision in the process of strategic management institutionalization. A conclusion is made that strategic management of businesses determines economic efficiency and, shaping the institutional environment of production facilities, extends the scope of social institutions in the region
Currently businesses have to face a lot of drastic changes, resulting in the unsustainable development of the market and noncompliance of the materialization of various market actors’ needs and interests. This difficult situation, in which companies find themselves, calls for updating approaches to business development management, because efficiency achieved only by economic growth is not enough: massive production can coexist with poor economic and social processes, which can become a threat to the environment. Therefore, it is worthwhile placing emphasis on the theoretical and methodological aspects of the mechanisms and nature of effective performance of a company and to work out the perspectives of the company institution development in the Crimea.
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