Masych Marina Anatolevna – (South Federal University)
Currently, the labour productivity enhancement is seen in more efficient development and application of human resources, especially their intellectual characteristics. This is also confirmed by the active development of the digital economy and the growing demand for specialists with high intellectual characteristics, including digital competencies. This trend is formed, in particular, as a result of changes in the model of labour and employment and the expansion of digital labour opportunities. In this regard, it is necessary to form, develop and implement modern technologies for the use of intellectual resources in order to increase labour productivity in the conditions of digitalization of all activities. The article deals with the technologies of the human resources intellectual characteristics in the trend of digitalization, which are relevant to modern realities of economic development. In particular, such technologies as "digital labour", the use of softskills and teamwork are studied. As a result, it is concluded that, indeed, these technologies of intellectual resources application, with their rational use, lead to an increase in the competence of human resources and labour productivity of both the individual employee and the team or the enterprise as a whole. It is also revealed that the active use of these technologies in the development of the digital economy in order to increase labour productivity requires employees to possess digital competencies at a high level. In accordance with this, at present, the increase of knowledge in the digital competencies is becoming an important direction in the personal growth of each individual, and should become one of the main tasks of the education system at all levels.
Digital economy is changing the employment pattern and creating a new quality of employment, therefore, the creative potential of employees and their knowledge are becoming increasingly important for the growth of labor productivity. In this regard, the main emphasis should be placed on the development of personal competencies and skills of employees.
Constant development of digital technologies leads to the changes in supply and demand in the labor market. Working conditions, processes of workflow management and the work itself are changing. Employees become less attached to the location and working hours. The requirements for employees are rapidly changing, as well, in particular, the demand for digital skill set/competence is growing.
The popularity of non- standard forms of employment is growing. Such forms of employment require high-level of IT competence as well as soft skills. These skills allow employees, who want to fulfill their true potential, to be competitive in the “new” labor market and to fill a certain market niche.
Teamwork skills require the development of communication skills, IT literacy, self-motivation and entrepreneurial skills, etc. So, it is reasonable to assume that effective teamwork requires a set of soft skills along with professional skills in a certain field of activity.
Digital skills are crucial for the efficient utilization of intellectual resources in the development of the digital economy, as the digital environment is becoming an integral part of the development of any industry.
The development of digital skills is becoming one of the most challenging goals of the national education system. Further development of digital skills will contribute to the development and implementation of digital technologies, the process of digital transformation, and as a result, increase labor productivity of employees and national economic growth in general.
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