Balandin Dmitriy Arkadevich – (Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of RAS – Perm Branch)
Balandin Evgeniy Dmitrievich – (Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of RAS – Perm Branch)
Pytkin Aleksandr Nikolaevich – (Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of RAS – Perm Branch)
The article discusses some aspects of the implementation of the theory of spatial development in the Arctic territories of the Russian Federation. It is noted that the transformation of the domestic economy over the past 30 years has led to a reorientation of spatial development towards the development of natural resources in remote areas of the Arctic. The authors emphasize that underestimation of the role of priorities of long-term spatial development of the Arctic territories in the future can lead to losses in their competitive potential. The analysis of socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the country is conducted. The main investment projects of the federal level and perspective economic specialization of the Arctic regions of Russia are highlighted. Basic processes of spatial development management are proposed. The conclusion is made about the need for effective spatial development of the Arctic regions on the basis of improving the territorial organization of the economy and the optimal settlement of the population.
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