Safiullin Marat Rashitovich – (Kazan Federal University)
Abdukaeva Aliya Aydarovna – (Center of Advanced Economic Research in the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Elshin Leonid Alekseevich – (Center of Advanced Economic Research in the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan)
The article discusses the main trends in the development of the digital economy in the regions of Russia through the prism of one of the most progressive and popular components – blockchain technology. The key feature of the study is the proposed preliminary version of the conceptual approach to the quantitative assessment of the reputation capital index of the region in the field of blockchain technologies, which allows the transition from qualitative assessments of the development of the studied process and its impact on the key parameters of regional development to formalized, based on the application of methods of economic and statistical modeling. The estimation of the dynamics of the reputation capital of the Volga federal district regions in the field of blockchain technologies for the period from 2010 to 2018 is conducted. The data show an increasing, wave-like trend of the aggregated index. The regions – leaders in the level of development of blockchain technologies and lagging territories with the subsequent argumentation of the revealed regularities that determine the differentiated nature of regional "blockchain"are identified. The developed and tested methodological tools for quantitative assessment of the level of penetration of blockchain technologies in the regional socio-economic environment forms a stable basis for research aimed at determining the prospects for the development of regions, identifying their competitiveness in the current and future conditions of transition to a new type of economic growth based on the paradigm of the digital economy and globalization of economic processes.
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