Perminov Viktor Aleksandrovich – (Institute of Asia and Africa, Lomonosov Moscow Sstate University)
Today, Brazil is one of the most promising countries in the information and communication technology sector. In the last quarter of the twentieth century, the country began to develop its internal ICT market, which enabled it to interact with developed countries in the field of ICT by the beginning of this century. Brazil's presence in many international associations gave impetus to the development of relations between Russia and Brazil in the ICT sector. A detailed study of the history and current situation of the ICT sector in Brazil allows us to consider the Latin American country as a promising partner in this sector. By analyzing the values of one of the most popular ICT indices (the NRI index) and predicting Brazil's indicators, a great potential for the development of the South American country in the studied sector of the economy was confirmed. Such analysis has become possible due for the first time collected together the values of the index of the NRI of Brazil since his first settlement. This work can be useful for people studying foreign ICT markets and various indices in this area, including the NRI index. Also, the article can be useful for specialists in the South American region.
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