Tagarov Bato Zhargalovich – (Baikal State University)
The modern stage of development of the modern economy, first of all, is connected with the general informatization of the business environment and people's life. This article shows the main changes in the activities of firms associated with the formation of the information economy. The analysis of the use of such components of information infrastructure as equipment, Internet access, etc. by Russian companies is carried out. The statistics of the use of business applications is reviewed. The gap between the equipment of Russian companies with information infrastructure and application software is revealed. On the basis of all above mentioned, the conclusion about the inefficiency of the use of the hardware of the information system by Russian companies is made. A comparison of indicators of informatization of Russian business with similar indicators of firms from developed countries is conducted. The main problems of introduction of information technologies in Russia are defined, they are as follows: low level of competition, low level of information intensity of production, lack of qualified specialists, low level of wages, information inequality.
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