Keywords:information technologies, marketing information system, planning, strategic management, strategy, trade development
Citation: Natalyya Kazakovtseva (2013). Peculiarities in Information Support of the Design of an Enterprise Development Strategy. Creative Economy, 7(4), 18-22. — url:
Development of information systems in different time periods is represented and also a role of information technologies in activities of sustainably developing modern commercial enterprises is shown.
References: 1. Kravchenko T. K., Presnyakov V.F. Infokommunikatsionnye tekhnologii upravleniya predpriyatiem [Tekst]. – M.: VShE, 2007.
2. Informatsionnye sistemy i tekhnologii v ekonomike i upravlenii / Pod red. prof. V.V. Trofimova [Tekst]. – M.: Vysshee obrazovanie, 2008.
3. Porter M.E. What is Strategy? // Harvard Busi ness Review, 1996, November-December.