Georgievskiy Sergey Andreevich – (Strategic Development Agency “CENTER”)
Gritsan Olga Evgenevna – (Strategic Development Agency “CENTER”)
Sedletskaya Mariya Vladimirovna – (Strategic Development Agency “CENTER”)
Stepantsov Pavel Mikhaylovich – (Strategic Research Laboratories Synopsis.Group)
Assessment of the potential of the housing construction market in order to identify the demand and prospects for the development of the site in the Kirov district of Kazan (Republic of Tatarstan) was carried out on the basis of the study of urban development potential, features of the location, analysis of the residential real estate market, sociological research of consumer experience in the acquisition of residential real estate and the solvency of the population. Based on the research, the concept of development areas and priorities positioning to create products of residential property to potential target audiences are defined. The presented conclusions are intended for state and municipal authorities, real estate market participants and independent researchers.
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