Zavyalov Dmitriy Vadimovich – (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
Zavyalova Nadezhda Borisovna – (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
Kiseleva Elena Vladimirovna – (Strategy Partners Group)
For most developed countries, the impetus for the implementation of new industrial and technological policies has been the need to overcome the slowdown in productivity growth. In Russia, in addition to a significant lag in labor productivity from world leaders, a serious problem is the competitiveness of the economy, estimated by such indicators as economic growth, the volume of production of goods per capita, the efficiency of industrial production, the quality of goods, the volume of consumer spending per capita, etc. The main reserve for increasing labor productivity and competitiveness of the country's economy is the modernization of production and service enterprises based on technological, organizational and institutional innovations. One of the ways of such modernization is the digitalization of the economy. The article deals with the use of digital platforms, taking into account the features of the implemented business models and the development of industries (activities).
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