Dobrycheva Irina Viktorovna – (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Yurga Technological Institute (branch))
The article discusses the following trends in the labor market: precarization and flexibilization of employment. It is necessary to organize work to reduce precarisation, given the new economic conditions. It has been revealed that precarization leads to the absence of guarantees of employment, employment, labor protection, etc., and flexibilization implies the achievement of the maximum effect for the employee and the employer. Low social responsibility of employers affects the growth of the amount of prekariat. The data of the indicator «part-time work» are considered on the example of the Kemerovo region. The analysis of statistical data proved that the «on agreement with the employer» mode of work is the only proposed option. At the same time, the number of workers who did not work due to the employer's fault varies in waves and depending on the sub-sector. It is proposed to combine the flexibility of employment and its security, based on the differentiation of jobs.
1. Flexibilization of employment is closely related to precarization, especially in single-industry towns.
2. The main feature of precarization is the instability of labor relations.
3. Hypothesis: low social responsibility of employers affects the growth of the precariat.
4. The conclusion of the study: Employees are forced to work part-time, as the option of «being idle»the employer may not offer.
5. The dependence between the options of part-time work and industries was revealed. For example, workers in the coal industry (coal mining) prefer to «stay idle».
6. The workplace of the worker should be protected, and the principles of flexicurity policy should be determined depending on the socio-economic situation of the region, taking into account its industry specifics.
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