Eremenko Marina Mikhaylovna – ( State Enterprise “Institute of Housing – NIPTIS named after Ataeva S.S.”)
The implementation of state housing policy involves the use of a complex system of various instruments and mechanisms of social, economic and political nature, which must comply with the principles defined at this stage of socio-economic development of a country. There were formulated the principles of state housing policy on the basis of system-logical analysis, which determine the direction of its sustainable development in market conditions, such as division of labor, power and responsibility, consistency, subordination of private interests to common interests, centralization and decentralization, justice, initiative, science, purposefulness, collegiality decision-making, continuous accounting, rationing, economic and social efficiency, freedom of choice of action, social guarantees, stability, transparency and feedback, incentives and guarantees, minimal intervention. There is presented the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the state housing policy in the article, including: the availability of housing for the population, the comfort of housing for the population, as well as the rationality of the use of budgetary resources for the provision of state support in solving the housing problems of the population. The specified criteria are developed on the basis of indicators of an assessment of efficiency of implementation of the state housing policy in the conditions of transformation to the market relations.
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