Pirozhkova Irina G. – Tambov State Technical University (Tambov State Technical University )
The monograph is a study of the history of urban planning rationing and elements of urban planning policy in Russia from the inception of construction legislation to the beginning of the 20th century. The study is a logical continuation of other publications of the author and complements them. The monograph covers the typology history of urban sites, the regulation of their appearance, reconstruction. We consider the components of urban planning policy in areas of church, philistine and other types of construction in the Russian Empire; we present the legal prerequisites for the emergence of environmental regulation and social security law in the framework of urban planning legislation. The monograph can be used in teaching university courses on the history of architecture and urban planning, Russian law, urbanism. The publication may be of interest for historians, urban planners and all those interested in the history of Russian legislation.
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