Nagaeva Olga Sergeevna – (Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
The authors substantiates the need for the transition of the raw material region to sustainable socio-economic development. As an optimal variant of sustainable socio-economic development of the raw material region, a model of resource-innovative development is proposed. This model combines the advantages of innovative development and a solid economic basis of the raw material region – rich natural resources and production and technical potential of the commodity sector. Options of resource-innovative development depending on the level of development of the service sector, processing industries and high-tech sector not directly related to the development and use of natural resources are considered. The possibilities of resource-innovative development of the Krasnoyarsk region as a typical raw material region are analyzed. It is concluded that the transition of the region to resource-innovative development requires the development and implementation of appropriate measures by regional authorities.
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