Sustainable development, science, innovation – three vectors of the regional economy of the future

Исаев Р.О.1
1 Самарский государственный технический университет, Russia

Journal paper

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Volume 13, Number 11 (November 2019)

Please, cite as:
Isaev R.O. Ustoychivoe razvitie, nauka, innovatsii – tri vektora regionalnoy ekonomiki budushchego // Kreativnaya ekonomika. – 2019. – Tom 13. – № 11. – S. 2169-2178. – doi: 10.18334/ce.13.11.41360.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 12 by 07.12.2023

The concept of sustainable development is traditionally considered conflux of social, political and economic spheres of human activity. However, this point of view is rather superficial and doesn't allow us to see the specifics of sustainable development processes. In this article, sustainable development is examined in the economic context of innovative activity. In the Russian Federation this activity can be maintained by involving progressive methodology. The author appeals to classical research in order to understand the innovative processes in the economy and points out two problem areas (the problem of the subject of development, the problem of classification of innovation). In this research a new sociotechnical method of solving problems used by the author as an innovative approach is presented in full detail. The "biosphere partnership", a potential unit of innovative economy of the region, is studied as the object.

Keywords: innovation, sustainable development, regional economy


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