Digitalization of economy on the example of banking system

Боркова Е.А.1, Осипова К.А.1, Светловидова Е.В.1, Фролова Е.В.1
1 Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Экономический Университет, Russia

Journal paper

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Volume 13, Number 6 (June 2019)

Please, cite as:
Borkova E.A., Osipova K.A., Svetlovidova E.V., Frolova E.V. Tsifrovizatsiya ekonomiki na primere bankovskoy sistemy // Kreativnaya ekonomika. – 2019. – Tom 13. – № 6. – S. 1153-1162. – doi: 10.18334/ce.13.6.40734.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 61 by 30.01.2024

The relevance of the study of digitalization of the Russian economy is due to the slowdown in economic growth and the need to change some obsolete aspects of the economy. The article focuses on issues of digital development of the country's economy. Special attention is paid to the banking sector and digitalization in this particular industry. As a result of the research, both positive and negative effects of this kind of modernization are shown. Undoubtedly, an important component of digitalization is worth noting such technological industry as fintech. The article shows the role of this industry, as well as how it exists in conjunction with banking organizations. The stages of digitalization of the banking sector and five general trends in the development of the digital economy of the Russian Federation, highlighted by the authors, are considered. The result of the study is an assessment of the significance of digital transformation for the State’s economy.

Keywords: digital economy, technologies, banking sector, Fintech, digitalization

JEL-classification: O31, G21, O33, O32


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