Volume 12, Number 2 (February 2018) Switch to Russian: Previous Issue <- | Archive | -> Next IssueSergeev V.I., Kokurin D. I. Application of innovative technology "Blockchain" in logistics and supply chain management 125-140Syrovatkina T.N., Fedorova O.I. Digital economy as an institutional environment for transaction costs of participants in the Russian housing market 141-152Korobkov S.A. Special aspects of the use of internal and external marketing information by companies engaged in web development 153-166Yashin S.N., Ambartsumyan A.E., Lapshina E.N. Integrated assessment of innovative development of the enterprise as a basis for management decisions 167-176Ivanova M.V., Garmasar O.A. Assessment of the impact of compliance costs on the innovative development indicators 177-194Drozdov I. N. Consulting support of entrepreneurship: conceptual framework 195-206Savzikhanova S. E., Khadzhalova Kh. M., Eminova N. E. Development of cluster forms of organization of innovation and educational environment of the macroregion based on attributes of the digital economy 207-214Litvinyuk A.A., Zhigun L.A., Polevaya M.V., Kamneva E.V. Application of the theory of motivational complex of labor activity to the analysis of organizational behavior of university professors 215-226Kosmin A.D., Kuznetsova O.P., Kosmina E.A. Main determinants of human happiness (or on what trajectory of civilization is Soviet-Russian humanity "nesting"? (Part 2) 227-244Previous Issue <- | Archive | -> Next Issue