Entrepreneurial transformations at the University of Tokyo: lessons for russian universities

Захаров А.А.1
1 Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, Russia

Journal paper

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Volume 9, Number 8 (August, 2015)

Please, cite as:
Zakharov A.A. Predprinimatelskie transformatsii v Tokiyskom universitete: uroki dlya rossiyskikh vuzov // Kreativnaya ekonomika. – 2015. – Tom 9. – № 8. – S. 975-994. – doi: 10.18334/ce.9.8.578.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=24169829
Cited: 2 by 31.03.2023


This article discusses the experience of the transformation of the University of Tokyo to an entrepreneurial university in the context of the institutional approach and B. Clark’s concept of entrepreneurial university. It vividly shows the dependency of the current University’s development trajectory on the historical retrospective of decisions made by the University’s administrators. The key elements of an entrepreneurial university were studied – a strengthened steering core, an expanded developmental periphery, stimulated academic heartland, a diversified funding base, as well as an integrated entrepreneurial culture of the university. The directions of using the described experience for Russian universities, in particular, for Lomonosov Moscow State University, are suggested. 

Keywords: entrepreneurial university, University of Tokyo, Tokyo University, transformation processes in universities

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