Исаева Екатерина Анатольевна – доцент кафедры «Банковское дело»; к.э.н., доцент; Московский финансово-промышленный университет «Синергия» (Moscow Financial and Industrial University «SYNERGY»)
Лещенко Юлия Георгиевна – соискатель Института экономики РАН, член РАЕН, секция: «Проблемы макроэкономики и социального рыночного хозяйства» (Institute of Economics RAS)
The article touches upon the problem of regulation of modern financial markets. The authors consider the models of regulation of financial markets used in world practice: institutional by the example of China, integrated by the example of Germany, functional by the example of France, and the Twin Peaks model by the example of Australia. The advantages and disadvantages of each of them are identified. For clarity, indicators of the functioning and regulation of the financial markets of the countries studied are given. Particular attention is paid to improving the effectiveness of financial regulation models.
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